Our intergenerational group, the Liturgical Ministries Group (LMG), meets monthly for dinner, discussion, and community. LMG members serve our UCY community by preparing the chapel for worship each Sunday and helping to lead worship (reading scripture, serving communion, writing prayers, etc.)
The worship experience in Battell Chapel is re-created every Sunday by a dedicated group of student and older-adult volunteers. Since the University Church shares Battell Chapel with many other religious groups and campus events, we start fresh every Sunday building a warm and welcoming environment. The LMG members help create our visual surroundings with colorful cloths for each liturgical season, prepare the elements for Holy Communion, and set-up all the pieces of our space. LMG members are also leaders during worship: reading scripture, leading prayers, writing elements of the service, welcoming guests, and serving Communion. Once a month, the LMG gathers for dinner and discussion on a worship topic such as baptism, how we choose worship music, or how we celebrate the comings and goings of our members. Interested UCY members should contact Pastor Ian Oliver.